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10 November 2024
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picture of a burning candle


Madge Farmer

3rd Anniversary, 11th November.
Remembered with all our love, you were someone very special who left your mark on so many lives.
We find comfort in our memories, deep within our hearts.
Deeply missed by your children, granddchildren, great grandchildren, neighbours and friends.


Madge Farmer

3rd Anniversary, 11th November.
To lose you Mam, was such heartbreak but I knew you could not stay.
God saw you needed a rest,
His garden must be beautiful for he only takes the best.
Deeply missed by your daughter Helen, son-in-law Declan, and grand daughter Hazel.


Philip Galligan

10th Anniversary, 14th November
(Late of Woodview Estate)
Memories are something,
That no one can steal,
Death is a heartache,
That no one can heal,
Some may forget that you are gone,
But we will remember no matter how long.
Missed every day,
Love you forever,
Dolores, Karen, Vanessa, Natasha, Amanda, Lynn, Grandchildren and Sons in Law.

Philips 10th anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday 10th November in St Patrick's Church Esker at 12 midday.


Joanie Kelly

28th Anniversary, November 11th, 1996.
Late of Sarsfield Park
'What we'd give to be back in Sarsfield Park enjoying one of your roast chicken dinners.'
Sadly missed by all the family.
Also remembering her beautiful daughter Margaret who died on November 13th, 2004.


Joan O'Flynn

Remembering our friend and colleague, Joan, whose 15th Anniversary occurs on 12th November.
Lucan Newsletter Team


Michael Kinsella

3rd Anniversary, 8th November.
In loving memory of our beloved son Michael.
Think of you every day and the lovely memories of you.
Loved, missed and remembered always.
Mum, and Dad, Lil and Joe.


Tommy Thompson

5th Anniversary,12th November
A Dad's love is special, a gift beyond compare
You only know the meaning
When he is no longer there
A special time, a special face
A special Dad we can't replace
With an aching heart I whisper low
I miss you Dad and love you so.
Missed and loved so much, your loving daughter Sharon & son-in-law David


Grandad Tommy

Memories are something that no one can steal
Death is a heartache that no one can heal
Some may forget you now that you are gone
But we will remember no matter how long
Missed & loved so much by your grandchildren Jake, Luke & Faye


Please note there is NO charge for In Memoriam notices.